Emily Hankins Cakes

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Online cocoa butter painting tutorial for CakeFlix

I recently had the great pleasure of creating this online tutorial for the lovely team at Cakeflix.

Lockdown has been a difficult time for so many people and a time to reassess the way we all work and learn new things. I have been wanting to branch out into teaching online for some time but felt I didn’t have the knowledge or skills to do so. It turns out that with a little time and a whole lot of learning I have been able to create some new online content that I am super proud of, including this full - 2.5hour long tutorial teaching you how to create this super pretty 2 tier cake design featuring cocoa butter painted iris flowers onto sugarpaste and sugar florist paste!

I am looking forward to launching some new online tutorial videos of my own very soon but in the mean time if you would like to watch this one you can pop over to the Cakeflix page and subscribe to their intensive catalogue of online tutorials form super talented cake designers all over the world!